Diaper rashes that appear in winter often cause children to experience burning and crying. However, do not worry because if you know how to take care and treat your baby properly, unpleasant symptoms will quickly relieve after a few days.
Children have diaper rash winter cause?
In the winter, parents tend to wrap their towels or wear layers of shoes to keep them warm. This makes the air in the diaper area impossible to escape. It causes moisture and makes the area of skin exposed to diaper rashes and many red rashes. Many children have diaper rash in the winter due to wearing too many clothes or because their parents do not change diapers regularly.
Diaper rash is also seen as a common side effect when treated with antibiotics in the winter. In this season, children often have colds, flu or respiratory infection due to poor resistance. Using antibiotics to prevent infections can lead to diarrhoea. If you continue to wear diapers for your baby at this time, the diaper area is prone to irritation and infection.
In addition, a number of other factors also contribute to increased risk of winter diaper rash such as:
Your baby is wearing poor quality diapers, has rough material or contains toxic chemicals that irritate your baby’s skin
Diapers are too tight
Parents do not change diapers frequently for children
Children are not washed and cleaned every time they change diapers
Some babies have diaper rash in the winter due to food allergies.
Symptoms identify children with winter diaper rash
It’s not hard to tell if your child is having a diaper rash in the winter. If you look carefully, parents will see signs like:
Redness of the skin in the groin, buttocks, genitals or around the anus
The baby is uncomfortable, crying, especially when changing diapers
Diaper areas may appear many red, itchy rashes
When should I take my child to the doctor?
In most cases, diaper rash in children in winter is usually not too serious and it does not affect their health. However, if your child shows signs of infection, he or she should seek medical attention immediately.
Signs of diaper rash infection include:
* There are many itchy blisters in the diaper area
* Redness, swelling, discharge and discharge of the skin
* Children have a fever
* Diaper rash is getting worse
Measures to care for and treat diaper rash for children in the winter
Some of the following solutions may be helpful for mothers to prevent and improve diaper rash in the winter:
Minimize time for babies to wear diapers
When you see your baby having diaper rash marks on them, you should remove the diaper immediately so that the area is well ventilated. This will help to heal faster and avoid rubbing the baby causing pain.
Change diapers for children more often
Many mothers who want to save costs should leave their babies many times until the diaper is no longer absorbable. This not only makes your baby’s skin rash but also facilitates the bacteria to attack and cause the baby to become infected. When a child has a diaper rash in winter, the mother should regularly clean and change the diaper for the baby.
It is best to check and change your baby’s diaper every two hours. However, it should be noted that this should be done in a warm, air-tight place so that children do not get cold.
Check the quality and size of diapers
Too small diapers are one of the leading causes of diaper rash in the winter. So if diapers and diapers are too tight, you should consider changing the diaper size to be more suitable for your baby.
When buying diapers for babies need to choose to buy from reputable brands, good quality, soft to not irritate your baby’s sensitive skin.
Clean baby skin
During the diaper period, your baby’s skin must be in direct contact with urine or urine excrement that causes baby skin rashes. In order to avoid this situation, in addition to bathing children daily, moms need to clean the area to bring their diapers regularly.
Winter weather is very cold, moms should use warm water to clean the baby whenever changing diapers. If you want to use soap, choose a mild, no foam and synthetic fragrance. Note: Use a soft towel to dry your skin completely before putting on a diaper.
Apply moisturizer
In winter, the weather is dry, causing the skin to become dehydrated. This can make skin rash symptoms worse. You should apply a moisturizer suitable for your baby after a bath or when changing diapers.
Choose suitable clothes in winter
Keeping your baby warm in the winter is important, but that doesn’t mean you can wear as many clothes for your baby as possible. Remember, your baby’s skin is blocked and will get wet and in the diaper area.
Therefore, she should only wear warm clothes. Baby pants should be spacious and have good sweat absorbing material to prevent the diaper area from getting under the pressure. The simple way to know if your child is warm enough is to touch the baby’s feet. If you feel your legs are too hot, remove them. Conversely, if the legs are cool, they are easy to wear without wearing more clothes.
Use cream, medicine to treat diaper rash for children in winter
If, after applying home remedies and remedies, your child’s rash is still not progressing, you should take your child to the pediatric specialist. Your doctor may order your baby to use diaper rash creams such as:
- Hydrocortisone cream 1%: Helps inhibit allergic reactions, improves pain and swelling when diaper rash occurs. Drugs have many side effects so you should consult your doctor when using them for children.
- Antifungal cream: For babies with signs of fungal infection
- Antibiotics: In case of infected baby skin can be prescribed oral antibiotics or topical medications
The phenomenon of diaper rash in children in the winter will usually improve after a few days. You need to take care of your child properly so that this situation does not recur more times.
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I’m Jimish Shah a professional blogger, digital marketer, and content marketer also with over 8 years of experience. My focus is on providing the most researched information to new startups, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and bloggers. My objective is to educate the youth of today on a broad range of subjects.