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Usually, CSS (cascading style sheets) configuration is designed in a separate file which has been saved with (.css) extension. But nowadays, to enhance the performance of a website CSS is also written in the HTML file which is known as inline CSS. Inline CSS checker is used to detecting common mistakes of CSS configuration. Issues with CSS can create several problems which can reduce the performance of a website. So, before knowing much about the process it follows, let us discuss what is Inline CSS checker?
So, what exactly inline CSS is?
Inline CSS is used to improve the speed and performance of a website. Inline is the CSS configuration that has been used in an HTML coding file. Inline CSS means you can use CSS coding in HTML file rather than using it in an external CSS file. It enhances the speed of a website as well as user experience.
If you want to create a search engine optimized website which takes lesser time in loading and which offers great user experience, then using inline CSS is a great option.
Where to use inline CSS?
However, developers do not use inline CSS more often because when an individual need to work on a big project then inline CSS becomes messy and complicated. While there are times when using inline CSS is a better option to use.
Like in all dynamic websites which looks attractive and which uses Javascript often created using inline CSS. Other than this, the fancy looking emails also use inline CSS.
So, before opting inline CSS, you should know whether inline CSS will make your work easier or not. Don’t just blindly try to create inline CSS, consider your project requirements and then make a decision. In some cases, to remove a bug of inline CSS, you need to make lots of changes in the tags because inline styles affect only the tags in which they are written. But when you want to remove a bug in separate CSS file then only one change in the program can fix the bug.
What is the need for inline CSS?
Inline CSS enhances the performance of a website by reducing the accessing and downloading time of the website. When you use inline CSS then the browser has to download just a single file thus the user can access the website at a faster rate. While on the other hand, when you use an external CSS file for CSS configuration then the browser first downloads the HTML file and then the external CSS file. The browser will take more time in downloading two files.
So, to get better performance and to get a search engine optimized website, it is great to use inline CSS rather than using two separate HTML and external CSS files.
Procedure to inline CSS
Inline CSS procedure is not a complicated task. You just need to copy paste the contents of the external CSS file into HTML file between the style tags which are enclosed in the head section of the HTML file. Remember that you have to enter the style tag into the head section of the HTML file. This is how you can use inline CSS configuration rather than using two different files named as external CSS and HTML files.
What is the need for inline CSS checker?
Inline CSS checker is used to identifying the common mistakes that a programmer can make during CSS integration. The Inline CSS Checker is used to check the properties of CSS as well as it can detect an obsolete or outdated version of CSS. It has made the life of the developer easier. Inline CSS checker also checks CSS syntax as well. It can detect almost all the CSS syntax errors, however, there are a few syntax errors which can’t be detected by CSS checker. The tool has made inline CSS much easier for the developer.
The small CSS issues which can create larger problems, and which can reduce the performance of the website can easily be fixed using CSS checker.
If you are working on a big project, then fixing the inline CSS issues can become a nightmare. Because the coding of inline CSS can become messy and clustered which becomes a headache for the developer.
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I’m Jimish Shah a professional blogger, digital marketer, and content marketer also with over 8 years of experience. My focus is on providing the most researched information to new startups, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and bloggers. My objective is to educate the youth of today on a broad range of subjects.