Cosmetics and skin care products have become an essential part of our lives. With so many brands available in the market, it becomes a tough decision for the customers to choose the best product. Custom cosmetic boxes play an important role in making your brand recognizable. They not only protect the items but give them an attractive display. Lotions are one of the most frequently consumed skin care product. They are packed in well-designed lotion boxes to retain their quality for long. Lotions are used to take care of your skin and make it healthy. If you want to access the merits of moisturizing, let compare it with a pair of leather shoes. If you keep on wearing the shoes for some months without conditioning them, see what happen. They will become rough, cracked and loss their shine. Same is the case with your skin. It needs special protection and care to look fresh. Lotions are a great way to moisturize it. They prevent the skin from atmospheric effects. It is recommended to use the lotions, especially at night to get a healthy skin. Below are some of the things to consider for getting good results:
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Start with a cleaning your skin:
Before applying lotion, it is necessary to clean the surface of your skin. First, remove the dirt and oil. This allows the moisturizer to effectively penetrate into your skin. Cleansing is necessary twice a day, morning as well as night. Dermatologists suggest not to use heavy-duty scrubs more than once or twice a week. They irritate the skin and increase oil production. Wash your face with water. Use a simple skin care soap or a face wash. Using milder soaps means that your skin will require less moisturizer, as the essential oils will not be scrubbed off.
Know your skin type to pick a right formula:
Knowing your skin type is necessary to understand your moisturizing needs. You can identify your skin type by considering some of the facts. Sensitive skin gets red easily. It burns when you apply most of the products. Oily skin gets greasy soon and you have to wash your face again and again. Dry skin gives a rough look. Whatever is your skin type, you need to apply lotions accordingly. Below are some of the recommendations:
- Dry Skin: Use a lotion which is rich in moisturizing. Oil-based lotions are a good option as long as you do not have an acne problem. Apply them especially at night to get good results.
- Oily Skin: Oily skin needs to be moisturized too. Because if you skip it, the oil glands sense dryness and start producing more oil. Avoid heavy, oil-based formulas. Use an oil-free lotion or a light-weight serum at night.
- Normal Skin: The trick to treat this type of skin is to create a balance. Use medium weight products to maintain moisture.
- Sensitive Skin: Avoid irritating ingredients. Some lotions are too strong in fragrance and preservatives. Use mild products specifically made for sensitive skin type. Never forget to moisture your skin at night.
Each type of skin has its own skincare needs. Carefully read the details on custom lotion packaging to find the best product according to your skin. You may also visit a dermatologist for guidance. Most of the custom lotion boxes are labeled for sensitive, dry or oily skin.
Revive it at night:
The night is a good time to renew your mind as well as your skin. Applying lotion before bed makes your skin soft, hydrated and fest for the next day. It seals the moisture and repairs the skin barriers formed due to dry air and harsh cleansers. You should think ahead of time, use lotions with ingredients which help to slow down the aging process.
Apply lotion daily:
Applying lotion at night is beneficial. But maintaining a healthy skin needs consistency. Create a skincare routine and stick to it. Make sure that your moisturizing lotion is of top quality. Apply it every night after washing your skin. In winter months, you need to use rich moisturizers to overcome the dryness. In warmer months, use the lotions with lighter formula or switch to serums.
Moisturize immediately after cleansing:
Apply the lotion immediately after cleaning your skin. As you want to keep your skin soft and hydrated by sealing the moisture, so never wait too long after washing. As you took the shower or washed your face, apply the lotion on damp skin. You may also apply essences and serums at first and then go for skin care lotions. Never miss sunscreen, it’s also important.
Don’t ignore any symptom of skin problems:
A good skincare routine is essential to maintain healthy skin. But if see a symptom of any skin problem, seek the guidance of a professional. Never ignore rough patches, cracked skin, acne, eczema, oil imbalance or bleeding skin. Take an appointment with a dermatologist. Use the recommended products to make your skin better. Never go for wrong formulas. Look the details on lotion boxes. It is one of the beauty mistakes which can destroy your look.
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I’m Jimish Shah a professional blogger, digital marketer, and content marketer also with over 8 years of experience. My focus is on providing the most researched information to new startups, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and bloggers. My objective is to educate the youth of today on a broad range of subjects.